Code Compliance
The information below is from the City of Dallas Department of Code Compliance. If you violate these codes, you could be subject to citations by the City. Please consider this your warning if you are in violation of a city code as they do drive around occasionally to monitor neighborhoods.
If you see code concern, visit Dallas 311.
Bulk Trash
Bulk trash is collected the second FULL week of each month and is not to be placed at the curb prior to the THURSDAY of scheduled collection week. No material may be placed out for collection earlier than the Thursday preceding the collection week, or later than 7:00 a.m. on the Monday of the collection week.
Call 311 to schedule collection of large amounts of tree trimmings in between regular Bulk Trash pickups and to obtain their fees.
Lawn & Yard Maintenance
Weeds or grass cannot be higher than 12 inches on your private property.
Trees and shrubs may not infringe on public access. Dead trees are not to pose a possible harm to the public.
Street/Alley/Sidewalk Obstructions
The owner, occupant, or person in control of any private premises must trim back vegetation (i.e. brushes, tree limbs) growing on the premises projecting over or into the right -of-way of the alley, street, or sidewalk.
Vehicles & Boats
A vehicle may not be parked on the street with expired license and/or inspection sticker, or in a wrecked or non-operating condition (such as flat tires) for more than 45 days. Boats cannot be stored in the front yard of residences.​
Dog Leash Ordinance: Ch. 7, Sec. 29
A person who harbors a dog must restrain the dog in a fenced yard or in an enclosed structure, or by a leash.