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Join Spring Creek Civic Organization now!

Your membership dues are an investment in YOUR neighborhood. Joining the Spring Creek Civic Organization helps
build a stronger sense of community in Spring Creek. The more support we have from each of you means the more the
SCCO can do for our neighborhood. Your help is needed to keep Spring Creek a beautiful, safe and fun neighborhood!


What does SCCO do?

·       Maintain and enhance the perimeter of the neighborhood

·       New neighbors welcome party

·       National Night Out

·       Holiday festivities such as Memorial Day, Egg Hunts and Caroling

·       Create and distribute the SCCO Member Directory

·       Yard of the month

·       Monthly e-newsletter includes local information, tips and resources.


Complete the SCCO Membership Application online by selecting Join SCCO

If you prefer you may print the SCCO Membership Application and turn it into your block captain. 


You may pay for your membership by selecting SCCO Membership Dues. If you prefer you may write a check
and submit it to your block captain or mail it to SCCO at 305 Spring Creek Village, Suite 445, Dallas, TX 75248.


The SCCO membership drive begins every fall. Thank you for joining SCCO! 

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