Meet the Board Members
Administer the affairs of the organization. Preside at all regular and Executive Board meetings and special functions. Appoint the chairmen of the standing committees and appoint the liaisons and the special committees including Reconciliation, Nominating, and Directory. Call special meetings when necessary. The President may, with the approval of the majority of the elected officers, take action in a situation requiring an immediate decision. The President shall act as an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees except for the nominating committee.
1st VP/Membership
Assist the President and carry out the duties of the President in their absence. Coordinate the annual membership drive starting in July. Maintain an updated list of paid members, indexed both alphabetically and by street and house number. Provide the Directory Chairperson with these membership lists at the conclusion of the membership drive. Turn over-collected dues to the Treasurer.
Serves as chairperson of the Block Captain Committee. Recruits block captains and coordinates their activities, including National Night Out. Responsible for timely delivery of all communications to block captains and preparation and distribution of new neighbor packets to new residents in the neighborhood. May appoint a distribution coordinator to help with this task.
2nd VP/Block Chairman
3rd VP/Community Improvement
Serves as chairperson of Community Improvement Committee. Responsible for presenting Yard of the Month Award, the Beautification Award, and submitting information on these awards to the Fifth Vice-President/Communications. Shall also be responsible for arranging for Holiday Awards judging, distribution, collection and storage of the award signs Shall also negotiate the service contract with the lawn care company to mow, trim and edge the grass along both Belt Line, Coit and Arapaho Roads.
4th VP/Social
Serves as Social Chairperson of Special Events, including the fall and spring meetings and other social events as decided.
5th VP/Communications
Serves as Chairperson of the Communications Committee. Collects news and information from organization members to publish in the newsletter, on the SCCO website, and social media. Maintains the content of SCCO’s website and social media profiles to ensure correct and current information is available to members. Supports the president and other board members with event advertising and distribution of information.
Take and keep the official minutes of the proceedings of the organization and Executive Board. Present the minutes for approval. Shall report all recommendations of the Executive Board to the organization. Maintain a copy of the Bylaws and standing rules. Keep a list of all existing committees and their members and keep a file of their records. Conduct and keep on file all correspondence of the organization. Send cards to the residents to express thanks, invitations, sympathy, congratulations and get-well wishes.
Deposit all monies received in appropriate bank accounts as approved by the
Executive Board. Shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and
expenditures, and in accordance with the budget adopted by the organization, shall make disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Board, or
Organization. The Treasurer shall present a financial statement at every meeting of the organization and of the Executive Board. Have the books ready for an annual reconciliation of financial records within 60 days of end of fiscal year. Responsible for filing the necessary forms as stipulated by governmental regulation, including any filings required by the Internal Revenue Service on annual basis. Prepare a budget for presentation and approval by the Executive Board and general membership at their fall meetings.
Serves as chairperson of the Bylaws Committee. Purchase end-of-term gift for the President. Maintain a copy of the Bylaws and standing rules and provide a copy to the President, Secretary and the Fifth Vice-President for posting on the website.